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IBI Partners with Women Entrepreneurs in Bangladesh for Training on Trade Processes

Naaz Farhana, Founder President of Dhaka Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry, leading the discussion

The United States Agency of International Development's Bangladesh Trade Facilitation Activity (BTFA) has partnered with the Dhaka Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DWCCI) to support gender equality and enhance women’s capacity to participate in trade. Among the interventions generated by the partnership was an event held on January 28, 2018 that aimed at training women entrepreneurs on trade regulations and trade processes.

USAID-BTFA and DWCCI jointly organized a day-long training event in Dhaka on Leadership Skills, Export Diversifications, and Trade Facilitation Issues. Twenty-one entrepreneurs participated in the training program, with a mix of large, mid- and small- scale traders. The training program was inaugurated by Mr. Pete Gauthier, Private Enterprise Officer, USAID. It was also attended by Ms. Marian Parsons, Agriculture Development Officer, USAID; Ms. Mahmuda Rahman Khan, Senior Program Development Specialist & Gender, Donor Coordination and GOB Liaison, USAID; Ms. Aneeka Agha, President, the DWCCI; and Ms. Naaz Farhana, Founder President of the DWCCI.

The first session was on leadership skills. It covered the difference between leadership and management; why women entrepreneurs are game changers; leadership competencies; emotional intelligence in leadership; leadership styles; essential skills for women entrepreneurs; winning strategies for women entrepreneurs; “three ways to advance as women entrepreneur; ” and historical cases of successful women entrepreneurs.

Participants discussing their shared experiences in between sessions

The second session provided a detailed orientation on different aspects of the newly launched Customs Website, including special features, interactive windows, duty calculator, and website search techniques.

The third session was on Scope of Export Diversifications in Bangladesh. It covered various issues related to export diversification, such as product diversification, market access, challenges in product and market diversification, and ways to overcome such challenges.

During the fourth session an open discussion was arranged to answer all questions and queries from the participants on major trade-related topics. Nuria Lopez, President of Spain-Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce & Industry, participated in the open discussion.

Training participants and Nuria Lopez, President of the Spain-Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industry

The women entrepreneurs attending the events expressed their gratitude to the BTFA for organizing the event. Ms. Aneeka Agha, President of DWCCI, observed: “We struggled a lot to find out the correct HS Codes for our import products. The new customs website and its “Duty Calculator” option has relieved us from this trouble.”

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